A flawless skin on face and body!
A pretty face and beautiful legs are important features of beauty for women and also for men. Unbecoming widenings of blood vessels (teleangiectasias) are often perceived as very disturbing in these areas. The laser treatment enables the gentle removal of such vessel widenings in face or body.
Spider veins
Spider veins are mostly formed on the legs, through a disrupted blood reflux. They are widened net- or fan-shaped superficial blood vessels, often look like large bruises and can be aesthetically impairing.
With modern vascular lasers they can be effectively reduced and even completely removed. Only a few sessions every six to eight weeks are necessary to eliminate the unbecoming skin vessels.
Couperose (rosacea, facial erythrosis) is a chronic skin disorder evolving in stages and whose origins are not yet conclusively clarified. It often starts in middle age and affects mainly the face. Characteristics are redness of the skin, nodules, pustules and superficially widened blood vessels (teleangiectasias).
In this situation too, vascular laser treatment can seal the pathologically widened vessels. After only one to three sessions, a permanent result can be reached.
“Strawberry marks”, senile haemangiomas, ruby spots or cherry angiomas designate the benign widenings of smallest skin vessels, which form ruby- or cherry-red, mostly spotlike papules. These are the effects of an inheritable, locally restricted and harmless widening of blood vessels which can appear starting from an age of thirty, most often on the torso.
Such “blood sponges” can also be removed successfully and gently by the means of laser treatment. To get an optimal result, one session is usually enough.
The thermal energy of the laser has a selective effect only on the area of the unwanted vascular alterations. Through this pinpointed application, the affected blood vessels are destroyed whereas the surrounding tissue stays unharmed.
- A beautiful result can usually be achieved after only a few sessions.
- The treatment is low pain. Eventual redness and swelling generally subside very fast.
- Laser treatments of vessels should predominantly be made during the cold and low sunlight months (autumn/ winter)
- Compression stockings, that have to be worn after the obliteration of varicose veins are not necessary after the treatment of spider veins.
Our offer
Spider veins
CHF350fromfor beautiful and flawless legs
CHF350fromfor a radiant face
CHF200fromfor a smooth spotless skin