Fat-burning • Aqualyx®

And the fat pads melt away!

Persistent fat pads often stay behind even after successful diets. So-called fat-burning or lipotropic injections (Aqualyx®) can help to reduce such undesirable bulges.

Under local anaesthesia, a salt of the deoxycholic acid, a secondary bile acid, is injected into the affected area. This leads to a dissolution of local fat tissue.

The fats are split up, evacuated through the lymphatic vessels and eliminated by natural means.

  • Injections are carried out every six weeks.
  • In total, four to six treatment sessions are necessary.
  • All kinds of fat pads can effectively be treated by this method.
  • A double chin can for example be significantly decreased.
  • Even “saddlebags” can be reduced or even completely removed
  • Furthermore, this therapy allows for an ambulatory treatment of benign lipomas.

Our offer

  • Fat-burning injection - Aqualyx®

    costs per treatment